Shanghai UniversitySep 2014 - Oct 2019
Doctor (Environmental Engineering) Environment College of Chemical Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityOct 2016 - Oct 2018
Visiting ScholarBlacksburg , VA, USA
Shanghai UniversitySep 2012 - Jul 2014
Master (Chemical Engineering) School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Center for Environmental Science in Saitama, JapanJan 2016 - Feb 2016
Visiting ScholarJul 2014 - Aug 2014
Kazo, Saitama, Japan
Tianjin University of TechnologySep 2008 - Jul 2012
Bachelor (Applied Chemistry) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Water Treatment
Landfill leachateMunicipal wastewaterDye wastewater
Osmosis microbial fuel cells (OsMFC) • Microbial fuel cells (MFC)
Electrochemical membrane reactors (EMR) • Forward osmosis (FO) • LDH
Solid Waste Treatment
Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ashDesulfurization gypsum
Particle size classifier • Extraction of heavy metal • BCR sequential extraction procedure
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
Wu, S., Zou, S., Yang, Y., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2018). Enhancing the performance of an osmotic microbial fuel cell through self-buffering with reverse-fluxed sodium bicarbonate. Chemical Engineering
Journal, 349: 241-248. IF:8.355.
Wu, S., Liang, G., Guan, X., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2019). Precise Control of Iron Activating Persulfate by Current Generation in an Electrochemical Membrane Reactor. Environment International, 131: 105024. IF:7.943.
Wu, S., Zou, S., Liang, G., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2018). Enhancing recovery of magnesium as struvite from landfill leachate by pretreatment of calcium with simultaneous reduction of liquid volume via forward osmosis. Science of the Total Environment, 610: 137-146. IF:5.589.
Wu, S., Xu, Y.*, Sun, J., Cao, Z., Zhou, J., Pan, Y., Qian, G.* (2015). Inhibiting evaporation of heavy metal by controlling its chemical speciation in MSWI fly ash. Fuel, 158: 764-769. IF:5.128.
Wu, S., Zhou, J., Pan, Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Ohtsuka, N., Motegi, M., Yonemochi, S., Oh, K.*, Hosono, S., Qian, G.* (2016). Dioxin distribution characteristics and health risk assessment in different size particles of fly ash from MSWIs in China. Waste management, 50, 113-120. IF:5.431.
Wu, S., Qian, G., He, Z.* (2019). Examination of inorganic‐based draw solutes and mitigation of their reverse solute flux in osmotic microbial fuel cells. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 7 (94), 2107-2114. IF:2.659. (Front cover)。
Wang, Z., Wu, S., He, Z.* (2019). Production of electricity and water in an osmotic microbial fuel cell by using EDTA-Na2 as a recoverable draw solute. Science of the Total Environment, 677, 382-389. IF: 5.589.
Hao, Y., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Li, Q., Zhou, J., Xu, Y., Qian, G.* (2016). Characterization and leaching toxicities of mercury in flue gas desulfurization gypsum from coal-fired power plants in China. Fuel, 177, 157-163. IF:5.128.
Zhou, J., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Su, Y., Yang, L., Zhao, J., Lu, Y., Xu, Y.*, Oh, K.*, Qian, G. (2015). Mercury in municipal solids waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in China: Chemical speciation and risk assessment. Fuel, 158, 619-624. IF:5.128.
Zhou, J., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Zhang, L., Cao, Z., Zhang, X., Yonemochi, S., Hosono, S., Wang, Y., Oh, K.*, Qian, G.* (2015). Enrichment of heavy metals in fine particles of municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash and associated health risk. Waste management, 43, 239-246. IF:5.431.
Liang, G., Yang, Y., Wu, S., Jiang, Y.*, Xu, Y., (2017). The generation of biogenic manganese oxides and its application in the removal of As (III) in groundwater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 (21), 17935-17944. IF:2.914.
Liang, G., Zhang, B., Lin, M., Wu, S., Hou, H., Zhang J., Qian, G., Huang, X., Zhou, J.* (2017). Evaluation of heavy metal mobilization in creek sediment: Influence of RAC values and ambient environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment, 607, 1339-1347. IF:5.589.
Yue, Y., Zhang, J., Sun, F., Wu, S., Pan, Y., Zhou, J.*, Qian, G.* (2019). Heavy metal leaching and distribution in glass products from the co-melting treatment of electroplating sludge and MSWI fly ash. Journal of environmental management, 232, 226-235. IF:4.865.
Hao, Y., Li, Q., Pan, Y., Liu, Z., Wu, S., Xu, Y., Qian, G.* (2017). Heavy metals distribution characteristics of FGD gypsum samples from Shanxi province 12 coal-fired power plants and its potential environmental impacts. Fuel, 209, 238-245. IF:5.128.
Wu, S. (2018) Enhancing Recovery of Magnesium as Struvite from Landfill Leachate by Pretreatment of Calcium with Simultaneous Reduction of Liquid Volume via Forward Osmosis. Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Day(2018.4,Blacksburg, VA, USA, International Conference,poster)
Wu, S. (2017). Enhancing Recovery of Magnesium as Struvite from Landfill Leachate by Pretreatment of Calcium with Simultaneous Reduction of Liquid Volume via Forward Osmosis. WaterJAM(2017.9, Hampton, Viginia, USA,International Conference,poster)
Wu, S. (2017) Enhancing Recovery of Magnesium as Struvite from Landfill Leachate by Pretreatment of Calcium with Simultaneous Reduction of Liquid Volume via Forward Osmosis. Environmental Research and Education Foundation(2017.9,Blacksburg, VA, USA, International Conference,oral presentation)
Wu, S. (2015). Characteristics of mercury in flue gas desulfurization gypsum from coal-fired power plants in China. ISWA Beacon 3rd International Conference on Final Sink (ICFS)(2015.8,Taipei, Taiwan, China,International Conference,oral presentation)
《Co-processing of electroplating sludge and MSWI fly ash by co-melting for preparing glass sand》, Yang Yue; Bin Wang; Simiao Wu. Application No. 201610416331.2, Application Date: 2016.06.15, Authorization Proclamation Date: 2019.3.29.
1、2018:Fond from Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS). (Corresponding published papers #1、2)
2、2018:Fond from Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF). (Corresponding published paper #3)
3、2012.6-2015.12:Key Project for public welfare of Environment Ministry (201209026): Environment safety evaluation of recycling and disposal of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash.
(Corresponding published papers #4、5、9、10)
4、2013-2018:Faculty startup fund of Virginia Tech. (Corresponding published papers #6)
5、2016.8-2020.7:Fond from National Science Foundation, #1603190: Enhancing Bioenergy Recovery from Wastewater in an Integrated Microbial-Algal Photobioelectrochemical System.
(Corresponding published paper #7)
6 、 2015.1-2017.12:Young scientist fund of NSFC (41402311):Geochemical characteristics and potential risks of trace mercury and arsenic in recycling of desulfurization gypsum from coal-fired power stations.
(Corresponding published papers #8、14)
7、2012:Shanghai municipal fund for environmental protection and science and technology development (2012-03).
(Corresponding published paper #12)
8、2016.1-2018.12:Major Research Plan of the Natural Science Foundation of China (91543123): The distribution characteristics, formation mechanism and toxicity effect of environmentally persistent free radicals on fine particulate matter from solid waste incineration plants.
(Corresponding published paper #13)
Doctoral Research in USAOct 2016 - Oct 2018
Recovery the resources from municipal wastewater by using an osmotic microbial fuel cell
Energy recovery • Water recovery • Reduction of RSF by current generation
Selection of draw solution • Draw solution recovery • Utilization of RSF
Turn negative effect to beneficial effect
Enhancing recovery of magnesium as struvite from landfill leachate
Struvite recovery • Water recovery • Membrane fouling reduction
Technology optimization
Precise control of iron activating persulfate by current generation in an electrochemical membrane reactor
Current controlled iron release • Current stimulated persulfate decomposition
Maximize the utilization of reagent • Identifcation of active radicals
Doctoral Research in ChinaSep 2014 - Oct 2016

Environment safety evaluation of recycling and disposal of MSWI fly ash
Heavy metal analysis • Detoxification • Health risk assessment
Enrichment characteristics of dioxins in different particle-size
Total content, speciation and leaching characteristics of mercury
The distribution characteristics, formation mechanism and toxicity effect of persistent free radicals
Co-melting with electroplating sludge for preparing glass sand
Master ResearchSep 2012 - Jul 2014
Research on distribution characteristics of mercury in FGD from coal-fired power plants
Distribution characteristics of mercury in FGD of China
Chemical speciation • Toxicity leaching • Life cycle assessment
Study on the mechanism of landfill leachate treatment using layered double hydroxides (LDH)
Synthesis of Mg-Al LDH • Reaction kinetics • Mechanism analysis

China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship |
2016-2018 |
National Scholarship |
2015-2016 |
Guanghua Scholarship |
2014-2015 |
“Dream's got talent” of the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University |
2012-2013 |
Excellent students of Shanghai University |
2012-2013 |
Excellent Graduate Party Member of Shanghai University |
2012-2013 |
New Student Scholarship |
2009 |
People's First Class Scholarship |
2012 |
BigEvent (Blacksburg, VA) |
Apr 2018 - |
3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance (Blacksburg, VA) |
Apr 2018 - |
Campus Debate Competition of Shanghai University |
May 2014 - |
Chorus Competition of Shanghai University |
May 2013 - |
Volunteer of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum |
Dec 2012 - |
Show of Shanghai University Welcome Party for the Freshmen |
Sep 2012 - |

INSTRUMENT ANALYSIS: Ion Chromatography (IC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS), Electrochemical workstation, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (CVAAS), UV Spectrophotometer, Colorimeter
PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE: SPSS, Origin, Excel, Power Point, Auto CAD
CERTIFICATE: English (CET-6), Computer (Level-2)